Things get [[ lost in translation ]], and thus it’s necessary to listen to the meaning of things from the horse’s mouth.
Here are some words that I created and/or use often, and their meanings as per me:
waonderer, n.
a person who wanders in the physical space and wonders in the mental space. -
romaniac, adj.
stupidly romantic. -
procrastiworking, v.
doing less important work to avoid doing the more important and urgent work. -
createrr, n.
someone who creates and errs. -
wow many, phrase
a number [of things] that makes you go “wow”. -
thinging, v.
to build things. -
digital nomad, v.
a person who lives a nomadic life in digital space, i.e. who changes cities, neighbours in the digital space. -
verbify, v.
to use a noun as a verb. e.g. googling. -
nounify, v.
to use a verb as a noun. e.g. smiler. -
smol, adj.
a small small. -
life, n.
a lie with an f.