Business Model
- Explain what is a business model and why it is important
- List the nine blocks of the Lean Canvas
- Explain the Lean Approach and how it helps in the venture creation process
- Create your own business model using the Lean Canvas template in 20 minutes and identify the Riskiest Assumption/s in your business model
Session 1: Basics of Business Model and Lean Approach (CORE) - 4 Item[s]
Business Model
The Lean Approach
“No business plan survives first contact with customers.” — Steve Blank
[1950s] Lean Manufacturing - Efficiency
- Whoever produced fastest and cheapest won
[1970s] Waterfall - Staged
- Started building software with old approach
- Requirements ============= Building ==============> Release => Market Validation [Staged]
- Altering product was very costly
- Barrier to entry was VERY HIGH
[1990s-2000s] Agile - Iterative
- PCs and Internet
- Became difficult what customers wanted as their need changed midcycle.
- Change management won
- Requirements ========> Building => Release(feedback) => Market Validation [Iterative]
- Barrier to entry was HIGH
[2010-Today] Lean Startup - Continuous
- More onnected to customers than ever
- Demands/choices of customers change really fast
- Requirements => Building => Release(feedback) => Market Validation [Continuous]
- Barrier to entry is VERY LOW. Hence the competition. Customers have more choices, hence less patience.
- Not the products, the whole business model fails
In the last 15 years, 52% of the fortune 500 companies have gone extinct. Life expectancy of such companies has decreased from 75 years to 15 years. That is supposed to decrease further.
We are living through a global entrepreneurial renaissance
- Equal access to tools and knowledge
- Cheaper and faster to build products
- Launch and grow a business from anywhere
Some big companies are also following suit to not get disrupted by startups
- Google - 7000+ experiments per year
- Amazon - 2000+ (AWS, Amazon Prime)
- Facebook - 100k+
- Netflix - 1000+
- P&G - 7000+
- Intuit - 1300+
It’s not about speed of execution, but speed of learning. Disrupt yourself before others.
Outlearn the competion => Build what customers want => Stay relevant to customers => Grow your business model
How to learn fast?
- [No Business Plan Approach] With processes built around execution of the plan.
- When there’s lots of uncertainty, we need dynamic models, not static plans.
Old World | New World |
The Business Plan | The Business Model |
Scientists start with models. Run experiments to (in)validate models
Case Study: Tesla
Tesla imagined to create an all-electric car (as opposed to hybrid). Biggest question: How to make people switch Biggest challenge: Creating a battery which lasts long enough, and gets charged fast.
They figured, they have to create a battery. So, ended up creating a battery which they deployed in a Roadster car (after collab) and lauched their MVP.
Later, they build infra to manufacture car.
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Session 2: Sketch the Lean Canvas - I (CORE) - 6 Item[s]
Business Model: 20 minutes Business Plan: Several weeks or months
The perfect plan is a myth.
66% drastically change their original plan on the way.
- You don’t start with the perfect Plan-A, but reach a path to a plan that works before running out of resources.
- Not rhetorical reasoning but empirical testing.
- Time is our scarcest resource. Hence, timebound your analysis. 20 minutes is enough for first pass.
- Perception is not the goal initially.
Step 1: Split broad customer segments into smaller ones. => Different Business Models (i.e. Different canvas)
Case-Study: CloudFire > >Really broad category: Anyone that shares lots of photos and videos. > >More Specific: >1. Photographers >2. Videographers >3. Graphic Designers >4. Architects >5. Doctors >6. Parents >7. Consumers
Step 2: Pick your strongest customer segment. - You most want to service - You know most about - You have most channels to reach
(CloudFire) - chosen customer segment
Step 3: Start Filling (CloudFire):
1. Customer Segment
Distinguish between customers and users.
- Eg1: In a SaaS application, you have users, some of which turn into paying customers [Single Canvas]
- Eg2: In a Multisided business, driven by advertising, users are who create value, which is then monetized by the customers. For google search, users do searches, customers are advertisers [Single Canvas]
Create multiple canvases for more complex models.
- Eg: Marketplace businesses (two or more parties work simultaneously to create value such as EBay, AirBnB)
(CloudFire) - Customer Segment
Parents (customers) Family and friends (users)
Early Adopters: Narrow your early adopters
(CloudFire) - Early Adopters
Parents with young kids
2. Problems List 1-3 problems you are trying to solve.
Technique 1: Five Whys root cause analysis (Symptoms to Problem)
(CloudFire) - Five Whys
Why is this a problem? Time consuming
Why is this a problem? There are lots of baby pictures
Why is this a problem Organising and uploading takes time.
Why is this a problem? Parents have no free time.
Why is this a problem? There is lots of external demand from family.
Technique 2: What is the job the customer is hiring you to do?
- Clayton Christensen
(CloudFire) - Problem
- Sharing lots of pics/videos is time consuming
- Parents have no free time.
- There is lots of external demand on this content.
Existing Solutions: How do they solve the problem today?
Describe your customer’s current reality. Doing nothing is also an alternative. This step helps in properly pricing your product.
(CloudFire) - Existing Solutions
- Flickr Pro
- SmugMug
- Apple MobileMe
3. Solution
An MVP is the smallest solution that delivers customer value.
BONUS: And caputures customer value. (gets you paid)
(CloudFire) - Solution
- Instant, no-upload sharing
- iPhoto/folder integration
- Better notification tools
4. Unique Value Proposition For new products, the initial battle is getting noticed at all.
- May be refined later.
- Craft your UVP around #1 problem and ‘finished’ story benefit.
- Avoid empty marketing promises: words like simple, fast, easy, …
- Be specific.
Technique: Instant Clarity Headline End Result Customer Wants + Specific Period of Time + Address the Objections.
- Hot fresh pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or it’s free.
- Get your dream job in 30 days.
- Not more numbers, but actionable metrics.
(CloudFire) - UVP
- Get back to the more imortant things in your life. Faster.
- Share your entire photo and video library in under 5 minutes.
Create a high-concept pitch
(CloudFire) - High-level Concept
- Photos and video sharing without the uploading.
5. Revenue Streams
- Pricing is part of your product.
- Pricing determines your customers.
Price relative existing alternatives (instead of cost-based pricing). Keep it simple. Don’t have multiple plans. Place a value on derivative currencies like attention if you aren’t directly charging.
(CloudFire) - Revenue Streams
30-day free trial then $49/yr.
6. Channels How will you build a path to customers?
- Start testing from day 1.
- Okay to start with outbound channels to jumpstart learning.
Finding initial prospects (outbound):
- Make a list of 1 degree contacts
- Ask for introductions
- Email list from teaser page
- Blog readers
- Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
- Cold call/email
- Sponsor groups/events
- Other
- Identify a few scalable channels you might employ
- Content Marketing
- Advertising
- Sales force
- Referrals
(CloudFire) - Channels
- Friends
- Daycare
- Birdthday parties
- AdWords
- Word of Mouth
7. Key Metrics The key numbers that tell you how your business is doing. These change as the product moves through various stages.
- List the customer action that drives value. Post for blogging, Posting a tweet for Twitter.
- How will you define success? Revenue, impact on world, etc.
(CloudFire) - Key Metrics
- Key action: Sharing an album/video.
- Success metric: Build a $5M/yr business.
8. Cost Structure How will you afford your creative addiction?
- Outline your fixed and variable costs.
- Calculate your break-even point
- Evaluate against your metric for success
(CloudFire) - Cost Structure
- Hosting costs: Heroku (Currently $0)
- People costs: 40hrs * $65/hr = $10k/mo
9. Unfair Advantage
How will you defend against competition?
Also called “Competitive Advantage” or “Barrier to Entry”
Mistaken choices by young entrepreneurs:
- First to market? Toyota, Ford, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook - weren’t first, but fast followers.
- More features? Less features? Design? Passion? Determination?
“A real unfair advantage is something that cannot be easily copied or bought.” -Jason Cohen, Founder WPEngine.
Real unfair advantages:
- Insider information
- Personal authority
- A dream team
- Existing customers
- The ‘right’ celebrity endorsements
- Large network effects
- Community
- Organic search (SEO) ranking
- Patents (maybe)
- Core values
What is your unfair advantage story? - Tested by competition and copy-cats
If you don’t have one yet, leave it blank for now.
(CloudFire) - Unfair Advantage
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Example: AirBnB ! [[ 12916343_1573123497.pdf ]]
Example: Facebook ! [[ 12916345_1573123499.pdf ]]
Template: ! [[ Lean Canvas Template.docx ]]
Session 3: Sketch the Lean Canvas - II (CORE)
! [[ 12916352_1573123504.pdf ]]
Session 4: Risks and Assumptions (CORE) - 3 Item[s]
Risks and Assumptions
It’s like playing Jenga, trying to build the tower (model) removing all the weakest links, to get a solid structure which stands on its own.
Big bets ==> Many small bets
The best way to find a big idea is to quickly test lots of ideas.
Don’t get stuck in local maxima. Keep trying multiple ideas simultaneously.
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