- Identify and estimate the various types of costs involved in starting a new venture
- Identify and estimate the various types of revenue applicable to your business venture
- Identify the right pricing model for your venture
- Re-estimate the price for your offering
- Use the estimated costs, revenues, and pricing to determine if your business will be viable/profitable
- Understand the concept of bootstrapping and how to run a lean business
- List out the sources and uses of funds raised through bootstrapping
- Pitch your Basic Financial Plan and the updated Lean Canvas to your class
Session 1: Costs (CORE) - 3 Item[s]
Know all your costs before you start your business.
Startup Costs: Cost that an enterprise incurs BEFORE starting a business.
Eg: For a smoothy business:
Fixed Costs: Costs incurred on a regular basis irrespective of the production or sales.
Variable Costs: Costs that depend on the number of units produced and sold.
Preference for startup:
Variable costs » Fixed costs » Startup costs
- If you need a freezer, consider renting a freezer, or buy a second hand one.
- If you need manufacturing equipments, consider leasing it over buying it.
Ask questions:
- What is the major costs of the business?
- Can some costs be postponed for a later date?
- Is your business value driven or cost driven?
- Low value price proposition = Cost driven
- Premium product = Value driven
! [[ 31226780_1609401937.pdf ]]
Basic Financial Plan Template: ! [[ Found-ENG-L6-Basic_Financial_Plan_Template_with Explanation.xlsx ]]
Read More: Break-Even Analysis 101: How to Calculate BEP and Apply It to Your Business
BAHASA: Basic Financial Plan Template ! [[ BASIC-BAHASA-L6-STUHANDOUT-Basic Financial Plan Template-Final.xlsx ]]
Session 2: Revenues and Pricing (CORE) - 4 Item[s]
Right price => Customers + Profit
Profit = Revenue - (Fixed + Varriable) Costs
- Understand your customer segment
- Different customer segments have different maximum amounts that they are williing to pay for the product/service.
Your price must be below the customer’s highest willingness to pay.
Pricing strategy:
Maximization: Process by which a company determines the PRICE and PRODUCT output level that generates the most PROFIT.
- This works great when all customer segments have similar willingness to pay AND when the optimal short-term and long-term prices are equal.
- Starbucks: It’s most popular coffees are priced at a premium to maximize profit per cup.
Market penetration: Pricing the product at a LOW PRICE to win dominant market share.
- Slack:
- Free basic plan
- Low-priced annual subscription for premium product
- Slack:
Maximization: Process by which a company determines the PRICE and PRODUCT output level that generates the most PROFIT.
Market skimming: PROFIT MAXIMIZATION STRATEGY for high tech and low availability goods.
- Start with HIGH PRICE, broaden customer base with LOW PRICE.
- Apple:
- Sells latest models very costly.
- Sells old models at cheaper rates.
- Price a product higher to start with; then lower it with discounts and offers.
- The other way around usually fails. You will have to add features before increasing price.
- Set the right price to match the perceived value of your product or service.
- Build a fair margin for you.
- Do your research early with real customers.
- Determine customers’ “Willingness to Pay” for your product.
Revenue Stream: Each source of revenue
- Each revenue should be clearly defined.
- Sources
- Pricing
- Life-cycle
- Build dependable revenue streams where you can tap into the same customer for repeat revenue. Eg: Selling smoothy at railway station vs. outside offices
- Be FLEXIBLE with your revenue streams.
- Forcast. Change revenue model if not working.
Ask questions:
- What value are your customers really willing to pay?
- How much does each revenue stream contribute to overall revenue?
! [[ 12916489_1578376046.pdf ]]
! [[ 12916491_1578375984.pdf ]]
Types of Revenues:
- Asset Sale
- Usage Fee
Session 3: Profitability Checks (CORE)
! [[ 31226994_1609402186.pdf ]]
Session 4: Bootstrapping and Initial Financing (CORE) - 4 Item[s]
Bootstrap Finance: It is the best and inexpensive method to raise capital.
Personal finances: Keeping some money aside for emergencies
- Saving a/c
- Equity in real estate
- Retirement a/c
- Vehicles
- Recreational equipments
- Collections
- Sell some assets or use them as collateral for loans.
Loans from friends and family:
- Ask for a specific amount for a designated milestone.
- Formal agreement with detailed payback period
- Tie repayments to revenue growth of the startup
- Communicate the plan and risk upfront
- Ask for a specific amount for a designated milestone.
Trade credit:
- Build relationships with suplliers
- Ask for extended due dates
- Cash-advances/Upfont-payments from customers
Other ways:
- Subletting of space
- Renting out your machinery or equipments
- Hire freelancers/part-timers
- Cut personal expenses. Do the job which you can do instead of outsourcing.
Key strategies to use funds:
- Convert fixed costs to variable costs
- Lease furnitute and equipments
- Buy used equipment
- Rent vehicles for delivery
- Use your negotiation skills
! [[ 12916503_1578376247.pdf ]]
! [[ 12916508_1578376293.pdf ]]
! [[ 24432847_1592466211.pdf ]]
Additional Videos - 2 Item[s]
Interview1: How Did I Bootstrap My Company and Get My Initial Funding? - Co-founder & CEO, Headout
How did it go?
- Spend our savings (3 co-founders)
- Created a working product (PoC)
- Applied to accelerators
- Good for first time founders in a different country
- Got selected in 500 startups
- Provided networks/connections/brand
How to cut expense
- Lived in a small apartment filled with cockroaches
- Didn’t buy pillows
- Had quota to spend on food, etc.
Initial funding to VC
- Took our money
- Moved to US and build a product
- Kept burn rate very low
- Enough time to get the code ready, up and running
- Got first traction of suppliers and customers
We felt we know enough to approach accelerators, but not VCs (For seed round - A few million dollars)
- Applied to multiple Accelerators
- Got selected in two
- Met many good folks
- Got confidence to move from NYC to SanFransisco
- 4-month phenominal journey
- From negligible traction to fastest growing company in the batch
- Help from ecosystem.
- Got deadlines of 4-month, focussed.
- Worked rediculous hours (due to timezones)
- Rescaled and changed multiple things
- Raised money from VC
- Twice ($2M + $10M)
- Scaled to multiple continents
- Got market fit after $2M
Interview2: Best Practices for Pitching to Investors - Co-founder & CEO, Headout
Groundwork before pitching:
- Set house in order
- Figure out narrative of what are you trying to build
- What about is necessary right now
- How will this make the world a slightly better place than today
- How will this become really big successful enterprise
- Sustainable long-term network effects that will make company defensible from competition
Created and practiced mulitiple pitches - 1 minute, 10 minute, with pitchdeck, etc.
Created list of FAQs
- Dataroom with all matrices into one
- Detailed financial docs
- Existing numbers
- Projections of future
Getting shortlisted:
- Looked up online cruchbase, angelist, etc.
- Looked the porfolios of VCs and found whose thesis connects with us well (200 names).
- Snippets of things they said in interviews
- Looked at founders who they had invested in, Connect with them.
- Looked for angel investors
- To get help for next phases as well.
- Network effect, Marketplace experience
- Okay with global businesses
Best practices for pitches:
- First pitched to investors who were likely to say NO
- Iterated our pitch
- Have a start and end date, Be organised and execution focussed
- Have all the financial documents ready
- Made a list of investors to pitch to
- Pitched 30 investors in first week
- Went to investors who were most likely going to say YES in second week
- We focussed on investors who were connectors, i.e. had connections with VCs, knew ecosystem
- Met 3-4 angel investors who said YES to investing in us
- They were excited to introduce to their connections
- We made 4 to 25 friends/connections => They wanted to invest in us
- Instead of chasing for meetings, now people were chasing us for meetings.