

  • Articulate the basics of business regulations of starting and operating a business
  • Explain the importance of being compliant and keeping proper documentation
  • Find help to get started with your venture

Session 1: Project Management (FLEX)

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Session 2: Project Tracking (FLEX)

! [[ 12916663_1573123852.pdf ]]

Session 3: Basics of Business Regulations (FLEX) - 13 Item[s]

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Why Compliance?

Prepare and learn about law and legal compliances for the industry you are entering in with your legal entity.

Law is all pervasive.

Two Types:

  1. Regulatory Compliance All the business activities are within the law of the land.

  2. Internal Compliance Internal policies and standards to keep in check company culture.

Some startups are given allowances in earlier stages if their industry is new. Eg: E-commerce, FinTech, Commercial use of Drones, etc.

Success of compliant businesses is statistically more than (non/semi)compliant businesses because:

  • Better focus on operations
  • No notices or summons from authorities
  • Less distractions, penalties, costs, etc.

Compliance changes with:

  • Time and maturity of law
  • Increase in size of employees
  • Increase in scope of business either through offerings, verticals, or geographies

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